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Retreats and Workshops 

Retreats and Workshops

Retreats and workshops

Summer Retreat at Kadermo

From June 29th to July 4th 2025

Welcome to my yearly retreat at the beautiful Kadermo Island! Kadermo is a place to enjoy the abundant gifts of Finnish nature: the grounding steadiness of the rocks and the enormous trees, the calming but ever-changing sea, the fresh air and the greenery. Many people say that Kadermo has it's magic. It's an ideal place to have a break from city life, to find ease and connect with your Self, other yoga practitioners and the nature.

The retreat program includes daily Mysore classes and meditation in the mornings and Yoga Sutra, chanting and  meditation classes in the afternoons. All classes are taught in an approachable way, so you can be a total beginner or a more experienced practitioner to join the retreat. 

The fee (600 euros) includes accommodation, delicious meals (fruit and smoothies for breakfast, lunch and dinner made by the famous Anu Ganesh from Mysore, India), the yoga program and taxi + boat transportation from Hanko railway station.

You will find more details here:

Book your spot here:

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31.1.-2.2.2025 Astangajoogan Intensiivikurssi, Sattva Jooga Seinäjoki, 

Perjantai 31.1.2025

Klo 17.00 – 19.00 ohjattu seisomasarja +mysore

Klo 19.00 – 19.45 (tai -20) Yoga nidra + sharing


Lauantai 1.2.2025

Klo 7.30 – 7.55 Silent sitting

Klo 8.00 – 10.00 Mysore 

Klo 10.00 – 11.30 ohjattu harjoitus (alkeisjatko)

Klo 11.30 – 12.15 Välipala / kevyt lounas (omakustanteinen)

Klo 12.15 – 14.00  asanaklinikka 


Sunnuntai 2.2.2025

Klo 7.30 – 7.55 Silent sitting

Klo 8.00 – 10.00 Mysore

Klo 10.00 – 11.30 ohjattu harjoitus (alkeisjatko)

Klo 11.30 – 12.15 Välipala / kevyt lounas (omakustanteinen)

Klo 12.15 – 14.00 Teematunti: Oma harjoitus, alku- ja loppumantra, ykkössarjan asanoiden nimet.

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